Monthly Archives: May 2011

Teaching our Children Values

Here are some questions we as parents ought to be asking ourselves:

1.  Does my child experience from me God’s love, tenderness, and forgiveness?

2.  Does my child hear me talking about the Lord as I consistently include him in my thoughts and plans?

3.  Does my child see me turn to Jesus for help when I am frightened, anxious, or disturbed?

4.  Does my child see me reading the Bible?  Receiving the Eucharist regularly?

5.  Does my child see and hear me pray each day?

6.  Does my child see evidence of my faith in God as I trust Him for daily needs and directions?

7.  Does my child see me express genuine appreciation and joy to God for His goodness?


~from Making God Real in the Orthodox Christian Home by Anthony M. Coniaris

*If you don’t have this book, buy it!  It’s a wonderful resource in raising your children in the Faith!*